Corrections: We see data in sql database: Table gibbonAdmissionsApplication.
Reaching out to community -
a. If anyone has seen this kind of issue.
b. If anyone has successfully deployed v25 and is willing help us get started,
At present we are facing issues deploying basic functionality. Really appreciate any help/pointers with debugging the issue.
I have successfully deployed v25 for several schools, and it is working very well. You can state here what help you need to get started and I’ll see whether I can point you in the right direction.
Hi kp9, thank you for your message. My apologies for the wait, generally we aim to reply to the forums sooner, but it’s been a busy time of year and I am a teacher as well as a developer.
It looks like, unfortunately, the Admissions module uses the JSON_UNQUOTE function which is only available in MySQL version 5.7 and above. I was the one who developed these new features, so I apologize for not noticing that this function required a newer version of MySQL. However, it’s worth noting that 5.7 has been around since 2015, so it’s not necessarily a new version of MySQL, as the current version is MySQL 8. We will update the MySQL minimum version requirements to 5.7+. The solution here would be to look into updating your MySQL server version. Thanks.