Upload documents/files for users

Is there a way to upload files (that are not related to any module in particular) for a specific user (staff/students), and set permissions for who has access to these files?

Notes for students?
What’s the equivalent for staff?
Did there used to be a Resources module?

Hi Tieku,

The Resources module was moved into the Planner module, and it only holds lesson-related resources, so not necessarily what you’re looking for.

Be sure to check out System Admin > Custom Fields, there is a File field type which can be added to the many different areas of the system that support custom fields. There are also Personal Documents which are designed for ID and certificate-style documents, which can also be configured for either students or staff.


Hi Sandra,

Thanks for your response.

Can either Custom Fields or Personal Documents belonging to a staff member be hidden from that person and only visible to staff?

In my last post I meant to ask:

Can either Custom Fields or Personal Documents belonging to a staff member be hidden from that person and only visible to staff admins?

I take it the answer is staff can’t see these fields if not included in the Data Updater?

For custom fields there is
Hidden *
Is this field hidden from profiles and user-facing pages?

Is this what I need?

Hi Tieku,

The hidden setting may be what you’re looking for. It means that the fields will only show up on the back-end Edit pages for the respective data types, so hidden User fields will only show up in Edit User and not in the profile, same for staff, medical, etc.