Trying to take attendence but it shows school is closed

Hello, I’m in the process of setting up Gibbon for our school and I’m having trouble with the attendance feature. I’ve followed nearly all the instructions provided by Ross in another post. I’m attaching a screenshot for reference. I’ve configured the school year and term, adjusted the school hours to reflect full-day classes, Tied the days to dates, and more, but I’m still unable to mark attendance as it keeps indicating that the school is closed. Could you please assist me?

This is the school closed message I get no matter what I have done. Please help.

Hi @hwaeen That is odd, as it sounds like you’ve done many of the steps needed to set things up. Are you seeing a timetable on the main dashboard for the date you’re looking at? If you were able to share a screenshot of the Tie Days to Dates for that date range, and the timetable itself, this may help shed light on what the issue might be. Is the date chosen on a weekend? Be sure you’ve set the school to open on weekend days in School Admin > Days of the Week.

Hi, Sandra! Thank you so much for the reply. I got it (appreciate Ross).