Timetable setup help please

I have managed to set up Gibbon on our Internet Host and carried out all the post Installation stuff and YaaY! everything seems to work.

We run after school Islamic religious classes, a Madrasa.

We have two teachers each with a class each and we run two Classes,
C1 16:30-18:00
C2 17:30-19:00
There is an overlap from 17:30-18:00 where assemblies or whole group teaching can be done.
So I have set up 4 classes

We teach Reception to Year10 so I have set up 11 year groups.

However each class has students from every year group, Reception to Year10.
The only reason for two classes is to facilitate better timings for some parents and children, and also to contain the number of students in each session due to physical space constraints.

We teach 7 subjects so I have made 7 courses.

Timetabling Question.
As we have 2 different Class times (C1 16:30-18:00 and C2 17:30-19:00), I have tried to setup 2 columns. However when I assign all Year Groups to column 1, I then don’t get an option to assign them to column 2.

What would be the best way to set this scenario up please.
Been trying for days but with no solution coming to mind.
Any help truly and deeply appreciated.


Hi @estmeti

Can you show us what you would like the timetable to look like (you can provide a drawing on a piece of paper).



Well that was harder then I expected! But I hope it gives you an idea of what we are trying to achieve.

Based on your diagram, you can set up your timetable this way.

Teacher 1 view:

Teacher 2 view:

Master Timetable:

Does this look right?

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