Student Portal - Attendance module is missing.


I am new to Gibbon and would like to ask for help.

I logged-in as a student to check attendance however it doesn’t seem to be available. I tried checking settings on my account as an admin but not getting any luck. Is there anything that I am missing?

I am using Gibbon Version v22.0.01.

Thank you in advance!

Hello, Jeth! Welcome to Gibbon! A module not being visible when logged in as a certain role is usually something to do with permissions. To change your installation’s permissions, you’ll want to go to Manage Permissions under User Management in User Admin.

Once in this section, you should be able to filter down to a specific module (in your case, Attendance) and edit permissions for each role.

I hope this helps!

Hi Hmerrett,

Thank you so much for you response and Yes I was able to make the attendance visible to student role however I hit another bump where I have already the attendance and still it is show INCOMPLETE any idea about this?

Thank you!

Hi JethroPL, it looks like you may be using only class attendance but not school-wide (form group) attendance. In this case, be sure to go into School Admin > Attendance Settings and turn on the setting: Count Class Attendance as School Attendance.

Hi Sandra,

That works! Thank you very much!