Hello @admin and @ross
in the main page.Can i setup the “Enrolment” page show or no show?

when i check the dashboard setting, it only have one tab can select “Planner”,but looks same,
or where i can add new tab,Include all,but without “Enrolment”

i check dashboardSettings.php and dashboardSettingsProcess.php can’t find what i need
i also check the Parent dashboard setting, it looks the same too.
bacause we seup 5 deffient school area, only manager need see the student in and out
other teacher don’t need.

thank you very much,for everyone help

Hi Kevin,

Good question. The settings you’ve shown are for controling the default tab, rather than which tabs show. The tabs themselves are controlled by permissions in the system and often by additional modules installed. In this case, the Enrolment tab was being controlled by the View Student Profile permission, which is a pretty wide permission that a lot of staff will have. I’ve updated it for v25 to use the Admissions > New Students and Admissions > Left Students permissions, if a user has permission to view either of these reports then they will also see the enrolment tab, otherwise they will not see it. You can apply the same single-line change to your system to update it if you’d like. https://github.com/GibbonEdu/core/commit/52c39a7a7db7b796921eb7d17cf4be01cd2bb013

Thank Sandra, it is very helpful.

Sandra, I made this change. The default permission for Teachers for Admissions is only New Students checked.

When I uncheck New Students, something strange happens for the teacher logged in - the Enrolment tab stays, and the contents of the Staff Information tab move into the Enrolment tab. Staff Information tab goes blank.
I have Info Grid installed.


Thanks for the heads up, I’ve pushed a fix here: https://github.com/GibbonEdu/core/commit/34fec75b17433a92d8cabb8df752336c2df8ae0c

Thanks for writing such a very good article.