Spanish language in gibbon

Hi everyone! Hope you’re all having a nice life! :smile:

First of all, congratulations on gibbon; it’s a great piece of software! Thank you so much for sharing with the rest of us! Second, I’d dealt the whole weekend, yesterday and today with the install process till I finally made it. :smile: However, I’m facing now I new issue; my native language is Spanish and I’d like to use gibbon in that language but can’t make it work, funny thing’s from previous attempts Spanish did work but the I was stuck at step 2, something to do with the database which I think was the fact that collation wasn’t utf8_general_ci but something else, so after fixing that I could finally move forward but now is the language thing and I can’t figure that out. I downloaded the i18n folder from here extracted it and copied the contents onto the document root folder /var/www/gibbon.local/i18n. Is that all right?
and I can see that Spanish is installed

and as you can see in the image above, selecting it from the Manage Languages module has no effect as the change is not applied and I’m stuck with English. I even reinstalled gibbon with same result.

I also have a couple of questions/doubts:

  1. When you said in the install instructions; Set PHP’s max_file_uploads to at least the number of students in a class. do you a “class” like in a “classroom”?
  2. Is/are there any way(s) to use a custom/different grading scale/method other than the ones provided? If so, how does one do that?
  3. I’m trying gibbon in a VM in qemu, I installed Debian 10.5 in the VM via a netinstall.iso and select web browser in the “select and install software” step, which installed apache2 and mariadb. I had to install php and the required modules separately. Didn’t get any errors
  4. I followed instructions from here to install gibbon, in step 6, A couple of PHP variables need to be set. All of the below are found in /etc/php/version/apache2/php.ini I found that a couple of those were missing; “magic_quotes_gpc and register_globals” these ones were nowhere to be found in the php.ini file, the rest of them were but not these 2.

Any help/advice is really appreciated. Thanks in advance for your answers. :smile:

“When you said in the install instructions; Set PHP’s max_file_uploads to at least the number of students in a class. do you a “class” like in a “classroom”?” I meant; do you mean a “class” like in a “classroom”? and here “I installed Debian 10.5 in the VM via a netinstall.iso and select web browser” web server. Sorry about that :wink:

Hi Moltke,

Welcome to the community and thank you for your kind words :smiley:

Your locale may need to be installed first on your server before it will work in Gibbon. Check out the instructions here:

For your other questions, here are some quick answers, however please be sure to post new questions as separate threads in the future as this helps our community to search and find answers.

  1. Yes, it should be a generous number to include at least all students in your largest class. There are some areas of the system that allow uploading responses per student, which is why this advice is there.
  2. Yes, check out School Admin > Manage Grade Scales
  3. Looks good.
  4. Those settings may be for older PHP versions and are no longer in the ini file.

Hope this helps!

Hi Moltke,

Welcome to the community and thank you for your kind words :smiley:

Your locale may need to be installed first on your server before it will work in Gibbon. Check out the instructions here: Multilingual, Internationalisation & Localisation :: Gibbon Docs

Hi Sandra and thanks for your answer! :smiley: Well, I finally managed to fix that, thanks to you :smile: This post from last October 2019 lead me in the right direction. Turns out I needed to install/enable the right locales; es_ES and es_MX, though my system’s language’s Spanish it’s none of those since I’m not from Spain or Mexico. So after reading your post I figured what I needed to do; open a terminal and run sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales selected/enabled es_ES and es_MX from the list and that was it, check it out

However, as you can see in that image, some text/messages is/are not properly translated. I fixed a few errors in the .po file; missing punctuation marks, mispelled and miscapitalized words, context, ambiguity … but there are clearly more and I intent to look into those in the coming days and soon as I get more familiar with gibbon, once I’ve done that I’d like to share, what’s the preferred method/approach to do it? via github? other? I’m using poedit but locally; installed in my system. I read you use the online version, never used that one before.

For your other questions, here are some quick answers, however please be sure to post new questions as separate threads in the future as this helps our community to search and find answers.
  1. Yes, it should be a generous number to include at least all students in your largest class. There are some areas of the system that allow uploading responses per student, which is why this advice is there.
  2. Yes, check out School Admin > Manage Grade Scales
  3. Looks good.
  4. Those settings may be for older PHP versions and are no longer in the ini file.

Will do that in the future, thanks for the advice and sorry about the messy post.

Hope this helps!

Yes, it does. Than you very much for your kind help! :smiley:

Hi Moltke, great to hear you’re getting up and running. Yes, we use the online POEditor tool for translations and we welcome any help to improve these. If you email we’d be happy to add you to the translation team. Any translations done in POEditor are merged into the next official release (Jan 20 for v21).