OK, the title is a bit scary for you gibbon developers, I know but…
I want to assure my school team leaders and managers that this system is safe and secure.
So, I would like to point them to all the locations of the data.
However, I can’t seem to find personal data in your database.
Example where is the data for teachers or students stored. I can’t seem to locate it in the gibbon database.
I’m hoping that this info is not stored in the cloud or in the page… That would be very silly.!
So is there anyone knows where this data is stored, if so, could you please point me in the right direction
Many thanks
You decide where to install Gibbon. Some schools just use it locally without even having internet access. So, no data is stored anywhere else than inside your mysql database
Gibbon is opensource. If you have any doubt about what is happening, just look at the code or led somebody look at the code for you.
Personal data of any person is stored in table gibbonPerson.
There is an additional table purposely for staff, which is gibbonStaff.
That’s about it
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly
I have checked all the tables post fixed with person and there are no personal details in them. I’ve check all tables and cannot find where personal data is stored… Any other ideas would be very much appreciated.
Ok my fault really sorry I was using phpmyadmin and did not realise there were several other pages of tables listed… Thank you for the input
Hi mrbronz, I’m having the same problem of not being able to see the additional tables. Can you please let me know how you found them?
Maybe you can share a screenshot?