SMS Setup on New Installation

I am new here and trying to figure out how to get SMS to work in the United States. I see there is a Twilio option but I cannot get it to work.

I was able to get email and payments working. Any suggestions would be appreciative. SMS seems to a way to communicate these days so I am trying to get it to work.


So after lots of trial and error I did get Twilio to send a test message successfully. Thanks!

Hi @kmorneau

That’s good news. I am interested in how you got this to work in the end. Would you be able to share the steps you took?


I will see if I can explain this simply first. If not, let me know and I be more specific.

  1. When you first create a Twilio account you are given a toll-free number and free credits to use. I had to upgrade to a regular account for it to work.
  2. You have to get your toll free verification done but it did not affect my testing. I have not been approved yet and I am on my second try.
  3. I went ahead and enabled the OPT-OUT -
    Search on advanced-opt-out in Twilio
  4. You have to create your API keys. I called it Gibbon.
    Search for api-keys in search.
  5. Twilio will give you an Account-SID and an Auth Token. You need both of those to send SMS through Gibbon. The configuration names in Gibbon is not quite right in ADMIN - System Admin - 3rd Party Services

SMS Gateway - Twilio
SMS Sender ID - <your phone number with a + in front>
API Key is the Account-SID
API Secret/Auth Token is the Auth Token

That took me many iterations to figure out what works here. After I typed in the configuration I submitted to save and then came back and tested with multiple phone numbers and it worked for both. I have not tried it completely yet FYI but seems to work ok. You can also check the calls in Twilio.

I believe that is what I had to do to get it to work properly. I did so many different things and configurations.

If you are have questions reach out. Twilio is a pretty complicated piece of software and I have not even scratched the surface with it yet. I had issues trying to post this so I had to change the links to get this to post.


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