Dear Supporter,

Currently, I cannot set up a sign-in method with a Microsoft 365 account and the system reports an error so I have to contact the admin, but I am the admin and I don’t know how to fix it.

In case this error is not included in your instructions on the system. Can you arrange an online meeting to support me?

Thank you very much and look forward to receiving your response as soon as possible.

Thanks and regards,
Daniel Tran.

Hi @gtac-support, welcome to the Gibbon community. We are a small development team, and full-time teachers, so unfortunately we don’t have the capacity to setup online meetings for community support. You’re welcome to check Expert Support for paid support options.

To troubleshoot your login issue, if you’re seeing an error with the Microsoft SSE, I recommend checking the System Admin > View Logs page, as this will have a copy of the error that the SSO system produced. This can give you a clue as to what the error is. Usually, it’s in the setup on Microsoft’s side, such as needing to add the IP address for your server to the allowed redirect URLs. Be sure to check the docs: Microsoft Integration :: Gibbon Docs