Reports in v22 (Import by Roll Group)

I see v21 introduced importing Reporting Values by Course and v22 (not yet released) introduces importing Reporting Values by Roll Group. A school would really like to report by roll group and import large amounts of data. Is it safe to upgrade them from v20 to 22?

Is the upgrade path v20–>v22 or v20–>v21–>v22?


Hi Tieku, to do this you’d need to swap the school from stable to cutting edge, which means adjusting 2 settings in the gibbonSetting database table (search for LIKE ‘%cutting%’). I’d not recommend it, as it is development code. v22 is out in June 20th, so perhaps you could wait.

A better option is to try and take the import YML file from v22 and put it in v21, so you can use the import there. I believe that ought to work. Check under /resources/imports.



I was able to move the import YML file from v22 to v21. However, the same import file that works in v22 is throwing errors in v21. I have valid student and teacher usernames.

An unknown error occured, so the import will be aborted.
Row Field Message
2 gibbonPersonIDStudent (6) Each Student value should match an existing username|email in gibbonPerson.
2 gibbonPersonIDStudent (6) Missing value for a required field.
2 gibbonPersonIDCreated (9) Each Teacher value should match an existing username|email in gibbonPerson.
3 gibbonPersonIDStudent (6) Each Student value should match an existing username|email in gibbonPerson.
3 gibbonPersonIDStudent (6) Missing value for a required field.
3 gibbonPersonIDCreated (9) Each Teacher value should match an existing username|email in gibbonPerson.

Hi Tieku, ah yes, some of the newer imports allow you to specify a person by username or email, which is not compatible with v21. However, you could try and edit the YML file to specify the username only, to see if that does the trick. Cheers, Ross.

Ah yes, anywhere where it says username|email, be sure to change back to just username.