Rejected or waiting list (child application)

Hi there
When parent submit application for their child, they get Application Form Confirmation.
When their child is accepted into class (form group) also they get Parent Welcome Email with all information.

Is it possible to set that parent get notification (email) when their child application is rejected or on waiting list?
Any idea please

Hi @calx At the moment this template doesn’t exist, but I’d be happy to add it to the next version of Gibbon, v27, which is planned for April 20, 2024. I can certainly see where this would be a useful thing for a school to be able to customise.

That would be great.
Thank you Sandra

Hi Sandra.
Is this fix for waiting list we talk about it?

Activities: fixed missing Waiting List option when adding activity en… · GibbonEdu/core@a00d234 · GitHub


That is a different fix, for the Activities module, which enables students to be enrolled directly to a waiting list for an activity. Your Admissions request is still on my list, and since v27 has been bumped back, I’m still hoping to get it into this version :crossed_fingers: