Redirects to localhost/dashboard

I have downloaded Gibbon through Xampp on windows 11 for testing purpose. After installation when I login Gibbon, instead of login to Gibbon it redirects to localhost/dashboard. Please tell me how to fix it?

Hi @skan Thank you for your post and welcome to the Gibbon community. Can you share which version of PHP and Gibbon you are running? There are some instructions for Xampp in the docs, but I will admit I don’t use it myself, so may not be as much help with troubleshooting.

One thing to check is the absolutePath and absoluteURL values in the gibbonSetting table, there have been some issues in the past with Xampp not detecting the root directory properly, and this setting may need updated. I was pretty sure this issue had been resolved though in the latest versions.

Hi @sandra sorry for the late reply, the version of PHP I am using is 8.2.12 and the version of gibbon is 28 and I also checked absolutePath and absoluteURL in phpMyAdmin there is no issue of slashes, there was one in absoluteURL of http://localhost\Gibbon and I have corrected it by http://localhost/Gibbon but it doesn’t resolve the issue. Please guide me.

Hi @sandra the issue has resolved, I didn’t cleared the caches and cookies after the correcting the absoluteURL but now the issue has resolved, thanks very much.

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