Parent Welcome Email

Hi there.
I am trying to design Parent Welcome Email
How do i include Form Group in email?
I tried {{studentFormGroup}}. But it does not work
This is a copy of my Parents Welcome Email
Any idea please.

Bellow is my welcome email.

Dear {{parentPreferredName}} {{parentSurname}},

Your child {{studentPreferredName}} has been accepted. for {{studentFormGroup}} class.

Welcome to {{systemName}}, {{organisationNameShort}}'s system for managing school information. You can access the system by going to {{absoluteURL}} and logging in with your new username and password:

Username: {{username}}
Password: {{password}}

In order to maintain the security of your data, we highly recommend you change your password to something easy to remember but hard to guess. This can be done by using the Preferences page after logging in (top-right of the screen).

Please feel free to reply to this email should you have any questions.

{{organisationNameShort}} Admissions Administrator

Hi Calx,

Student form group currently isn’t one of the available variables, as it may or may not have been assigned during the acceptance process. I can add it to the development list for the next version of Gibbon (v27), but you’d need to use an {% if studentFormGroup %} statement in Twig to change the wording of your template if the form group is not set.