Open source SMS gateway integration

Is there any way to integrate an opensource sms gateway to Gibbon

Please try to use the search feature. This has been discussed a number of times before, e.g.

Good luck :slight_smile:

Hello Dear @meierrom, I have seen the link You shared me here and also exhaustively searched on the forum for related issues, but still I couldn’t came up with possible solution…


As you may be aware, Gibbon currently supports a number of external sms gateway providers.

You can find out more here:
Admin> System Admin> Third Party Settings: SMS Settings

What would be the advantage to integrate a gateway directly into Gibbon? Wouldn’t that be rather out of scope for an SIS?

Kind regards,

Hi Team,
I am having difficulty in setting up sms settings. messages are not being delivered

I have tried textlocal and mexmo
using textlocal after sending msg this is the response
Total Messages: 2
Messages not eligible for confirmation of receipt: 2
Messages confirmed: 0
Messages not yet confirmed: 0

credits still the same
Using mexmo
get same response but credits are reduced but not receiving the sms

in gibbon settings for textlocal i have entered sms username , sms password, SMS gateway URL for send requests, SMS gateway URL for checking credit. but in vain nothing happens
I also tried
If i Just enter the API key generated by using IP address for textlocal in third party settings i get error sms not configured contact system admin.

As for onewaysms which gibbons supports for some reason I have trouble registering an account.

Now i am stuck unable to proceed.
Appreciate your help.

Hi Paschal,

SMS can be tricky to troubleshoot. I’ve only used OneWay SMS, and whilst their interface (e.g. registering for accounts) is a little clunky, the delivery of messages is fairly consistent.

For any gateway, the best tool for troubleshooting is the gateway’s log of requests received and messages sent. Are you able to access such a log for textlocal and mexmo?



@admin I just used the “Textlocal” from the drop down menu, put in my Sender ID and the API Key that I generated from the textlocal website.
The message showed “Sent successfully” but like @paschal above, I am still having same number of credits remaining.

You must’ve put the gateway for Textlocal Hong Kong, right? How/where do i change it to my country?

Hi flygye12,

The SMS gateway for Textlocal uses the global API endpoint

Be sure to check that the phone numbers you are using have an area code, and that the area/country is supported by Textlocal, not all SMS providers support every country.

Hope this helps!

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@ross I have a text local account. Their documentation asks to download a php file but which folder do i install it in and where all do the changes i have to carry out?

Or is that not required?

I checked the website and it seems to me that unless you are based in Europe, this service is not for you. The only Asian country currently supported is India. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

@meierrom I checked their website. You’re right. My country is there.
So do I have to get under the hood and change some codes?

Sorry, I can’t say. I’m not using it.

Hi flygye12,

There should be no need to change the PHP code, Gibbon already includes an SMS gateway library that can connect to a number of different providers, so the code is already there. Have you double-checked your API keys to ensure that everything is correct? Also if TextLocal has an online interface for testing SMS messages, are you able to test through there to see if you are receiving texts directly from them? This can help narrow down where in the process the message is not sending.

Thanks @ross, * now* I can explore this further. (Till now I was thinking I had to do something with PHP)

I checked out


As you may be aware, Gibbon currently supports a number of external sms gateway providers.

You can find out more here:
Admin> System Admin> Third Party Settings: SMS Settings

What would be the advantage to integrate a gateway directly into Gibbon? Wouldn’t that be rather out of scope for an SIS?

Kind regards,

The challenge I faced is, in my place we don’t have access to none of the SMS service providers that gibbon offers. There are a bunch of local SMS service providers but they utilize a different gateway. I also tried to create a trial account with “Twilio” just to check out how the SMS on gibbon works but still I couldn’t figure it out what to fill the API Key textbox because I only get a trial account SID, AUTH Token and trial number.
Therefore, Is there any other way that I can utilize SMS feature on Gibbon with out or minor modification


Hi anteneh,

For Twilio, try the SID in the API key and the Auth Token in the API Secret/Auth Token field. Do any of your alternate SMS providers support Mail to SMS? This is the SMS library we’re using: It’s possible to extend it and write a new SMS driver if you had more info about the API that your SMS gateway uses.

Please, integrate the manager with any SMS gateway Provider. This is very helpful to update customers.

hi sandra , how are you
i use this lovely platform in my school in Tunisia ( a nice country in north africa :slight_smile: )
in tunisia we dont have any sms provider integrated in gibbon
please do you have a solution to integrate directly into source code my api adress and number phone
bye !