On Call / Detention System


I’m wondering if anyone has managed to create a detention system? At our school, we also have an “On Call System” which simply put means that if, for example, a student is sent out of a classroom and is refusing to leave, a member of SLT can be notified and sent to the incident. I’m wondering if they’re is a way to do this?


Hi @DLenny, thanks for your question and feature request. Certain aspects of Gibbon have been shaped by the ethos of the school where Gibbon was created, International College Hong Kong. In this case, student detention is not part of our schools values or practices, so it does not already exist in Gibbon, and for this reason is unlikely to be part of the core of Gibbon in the future.

However, as open source software, Gibbon is flexible and extensible, so schools are welcome to develop modules to meet their needs. We’re happy to help answer questions as developers get up and running with Gibbon.

I would note that an instant-messaging-style service may be particularly difficult to develop given the type of software that Gibbon is, and that existing messaging apps such as WhatsApp or Signal may be better for instant communication, as that’s what they do best.