My alarm is showing white screen.

Hi @ross
Could you please help me with the white screen in my GIBBON installation.

I clicked on the general lockdown alarm to test out what was it and this was what It came out with.

I can’t remove this.
Even though I removed this module from my SQL database, this still shows up.
Is there a way to stop this?

Hi @ross Could you please help me with the white screen in my GIBBON installation.

I clicked on the general lockdown alarm to test out what was it and this was what It came out with.

I can’t remove this.
Even though I removed this module from my SQL database, this still shows up.
Is there a way to stop this?

@admin can u help with this?

Hello, this is most likely a PHP error. Are you able to check your error logs to see if you can find an entry related to this script? Let us know what you find, and we can help make sense of it if needed. Ross.

i’ve solved it! Thanks

That’s great to hear : ) If you have a moment to share the solution, that might help future visitors. Cheers! Ross