Moodle Integration successful but failing to login

Good day

I have successfully manage to integrate gibbon and moodle. But am now failing to login into moodle, its giving me the following error message.

  1. How do I solve this?
  2. What should do to have access to moodle, its seems no one is now able to log in into moodle after the gibbon integration.

Please assist, am stuck


Hi ttshava,

This is unusual. What steps have you used to integrate Gibbon and Moodle? If you’ve used the module from the Extend page, from what I can see it only makes changes on the Gibbon side of things, so shouldn’t affect your Moodle install.

Alternately, I googled the error message and perhaps it’s related to running an upgrade on the Moodle side of things? If your server is running PHP 7, it sounds like mysql_* functions are no longer supported.

Hope this helps!

I changed mysql to mysqli and it worked

Good day

I have successfully managed to integrate gibbon and moodle. But am now failing to log in to moodle, it’s giving me the following error message.

  1. How do I solve this?
  2. What should do to have access to moodle, it seems no one is now able to log in into moodle after the gibbon integration.

Please assist, am stuck


Please help me with the steps taken to integrate moodle into Gibbons,
Your assistance would be highly appreciated,


Hi Francis,

This all starts with the Moodle module for Free Learning, which is available via our Extend page. Once this is installed, you can follow these instructions to get up and running.

Let us know if there are specific steps you are stuck on.


I changed mysql to mysqli and it worked

How can you change mysql to mysqli in the moodle plugin if you are not able to login into MOODLE as ttshava is complaining about? Is it by getting into the database ,if so how do you locate the field?
