Modules Data import

Is there a way to download csvs of all the modules individually from gibbon?

Hi Ibrahim,

There isn’t a built-in export, however if you have access to your database you can pull out data in many different formats. A tool like PHPMyAdmin offers different export formats, including csv data. To do this, you’d need to install PHPMyAdmin, then use it to access your database and export data from any table you’re interested in. As a note, MySQL is a relational database, so you may find that the data for each module is spread across multiple tables and connected by ID numbers.

“As a note, MySQL is a relational database, so you may find that the data for each module is spread across multiple tables and connected by ID numbers.”

Hi Sandra, thank you for the quick reply.
That’s what I’m worried about. I wanted to make reports based on the activities in the modules. I have used phpmyadmin a little but will it be possible to make SQL queries and then get the csv?

If you’re looking to create SQL queries and export data, the Query Builder module may be what you’re looking for. If you don’t have it installed, you can find it here on the Extend page:
Setting up queries this way has the added benefit of enabling other users to run them and export the csv without needing database access.

In Query Builder settings you can set the default export type to csv: