Missing Logo on on-line Application Forms

How can I get the institution logo onto the online Application Forms for proper identification?
Kind regards

Hi Raphael,

In System Admin you can change the logo of the entire UI to use your school’s logo, which would affect every page including the application form. Otherwise, in Application Form Settings there’s a text area for Introduction text, which can also contain HTML if you wish to add an image just to the application.

Hope this helps!

Hi Sandra,
The use HTML in Application Form Settings’ text area sounds like what I am looking for. Let me try it and see if that works.

Hi Sandra,

I have embed the image in HTML statement and that works out what I could not immediately think of.
Thanks very much .

Now I am also asking how I can add in the Student Application Form information/Fields about Courses/Subjects Applied for . This a very important requirement for Higher Education Institutions.

Please assist with some good suggestion(s).

Raphael Chisanga

Hi Raphael,

Gibbon was designed primarily with elementary and secondary schools in mind, so by default it isn’t a fully featured system for higher education institutions. It has a lot of flexibility though, so it certainly looks like there are users out there who have adapted it to suit their needs. In this case, the application form doesn’t have course selection capabilities, but it does allow for additional documents to be attached. One way to adapt the application form to your needs could be to attach an additional form (PDF or digital) that users fill out as part of their application. You may need to get a bit creative with the application to toggle features and add details via the Application Form Settings.

Hope this helps!

Hi Sandra,
Thanks for your remarks.
I try to study the system and see how best we can adapt it in several areas.
