Markbook bug for a student who could not sit for a test

Good evening,

I am an enthusiastic user of Gibbon. Our school in Kenya has just embraced now the reports module and we are so amazed of the capacities of this module.

We are also using the markbook and I would have a question about a difficulty I could not solve alone. Some children could not sit for some exams and have not received a mark in the markbook. The result of that is the bug of the markbook of this specific student, with this message about the escaped gibbons… This situation arrives also if a child join in the course of the term and has no marks for the precedent tests…

Maybe you have an advice to give me? How can we handle this bug?

Thank you so much for your kind assistance.

Fr… Pierre Champroux

Hi @Pchamproux Thank you for your post, my apologies for the delay in a response, as your post came in during our summer break in HK.

This is unusual, as students joining a class after a markbook column has been created should show up with a blank mark for that column. However, there are many different settings in the markbook and it could be a combination of settings is causing this unusual result.

Could you please share a screenshot of your School Admin > Markbook Settings page, and then a screenshot of the markbook itself (with names obscured). Where are you seeing the Oh No error, is it in the markbook itself or in the student profile? Any info you can share to help us recreate the bug will help in fixing it. Thanks!

Dear Sandra,

I have just started a new academic year and I have no data for the moment in the markbook, and when I switch to the past year I don’t experience anymore this bug.

If you don’t mind I will contact you again if and when the problem will occur again.

But it was typically happening in this kind of situation on the picture here below, when a child was missing a mark, his own markbook under his profile was bugging.

Thank you so much.

Thanks @Pchamproux for your reply. Yes, please let us know if it continues to happen.