Login problems after upgrading packages in Ubuntu

I was going to log in today (using Google OAuth2) to do something after upgrading some Ubuntu packages, and I started getting a message about too many failed login attempts. I tried logging in with the username and password and got the same message, but the password recovery email could not be sent, so I tried increasing the number of failed attempts. That message went away, but after entering my login and password, the login fails without an error message, just reloading the login page. So I changed the login fails number back to what it was, and now I get a message that there is a database error. This is strange behavior. I have not changed my password (stored in a password manager). I believe we have another administrator account out there, but mine is kind of key, and I would like to be able to use it. Is there a way to troubleshoot this?

Hi @dcowens76 Sounds like something may have changed with session storage when you upgraded. For reference, which versions did you upgrade from and to, and which versions of PHP/MySQL are you now running? You can manually set the fail attempts back to 0 in the database if the emails are not working, but if you’re just seeing a login page reloading, it sounds session related. Also, check the PHP error logs, just in case.

Goodness, I am not sure about the versions. Current versions are:

PHP 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.15
MySQL 8.0.36-0ubuntu0.22.04.1

I know it should be easy to find the PHP error logs, but for some reason I am failing. Nothing in the apache error log says anything about php, that I can see.

Where in the database can I set the number of fail attempts? Previously I was just modifying a php file, I think.

If you have MySQL access, you can reset failCount back to 0 in the gibbonPerson table for the given user (the system admin is always user 1). Hope this helps.

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Thanks, @sandra. That did the trick!