Local time zones for logged in users


My school is online only and the timezone where the school’s server is located is America/New_York.

When the teachers set the due date and time for homework it is for the timezone of the school.

Students in other timezones, have less or more time to submit their work than students in the America/New_York timezone.

Is it possible to configure Gibbon so that the local timezone of the logged in user is used for time-stamps instead of the school’s local timezone?

If there are other remote schools who have solved this, your help would be appreciated.


Hi @DrakonPrime, at the moment this is not something that Gibbon supports, and for programming and consistency reasons, its very important that the timestamps are accurate to the server. Otherwise, when calculating dates, if it was using a local timestamp this could cause errors of the code believing it was in the future. Because of this, it would also take significant code changes to make this possible and ensure it doesn’t cause errors.

One way that I have seen online LMSs deal with this is to always use a due date time of midnight of that day, so that it accounts for a wide range of timezones to be able to submit before the due date. This approach might help in your case.

Hi Sandra,

Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll pass it on.


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