Lesson plans not showing up

Hello! I am currently testing out the practicality of the Teacher role, and I ran into an issue that I cant seem to figure out. When I create a lesson plan it shows up in my planner but not on the home timetable. My initial thought was its because school is closed currently, but when I changed the current school year length and the term length it still doesn’t show up. If someone can explain how to get my lesson plan to show up on the home timetable, or what I’m doing wrong that would be very helpful!

Hi @Cannon Welcome to the Gibbon community, my apologies for the delay in a response, as your post came in during our summer break in HK.

Has a timetable been created for the active school year, with that course timetabled for specific periods? The display of lessons on a timetable is dependent on creating a structure for the timetable using Timetable Admin, otherwise Gibbon doesn’t know the intended dates and times for those classes. I recommend the docs here: Timetabling :: Gibbon Docs and give a shout with any questions.