Lesson plans missing

Hi everyone.
I have an issue where we have two new teachers. They have been added to departments, made teacher (curriculum) and added to classes.
They were asked to use the Planner to add unit plans and lessons plans, which they did, but now when I checked. The data is missing. The whole September planning only shows 23/09 - 30/09. Has anyone had this before?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Celliers, this sounds unusual and I haven’t seen anything like this before. Are you able to share some screenshots (with any private information blocked out), or any steps to reproduce this issue that might help us. Has this only happened with the new teachers, or any other teachers?

Hi Sandra, yes only for two new teachers, but one started at the end of last academic year and the other started at the beginning of this one. They normall add their lessons by clicking the + on the TT then add content and submit. So I asked them to create Units and add the lessons their and they deploy them.
I have checked several times, and it there is no trace on the DB server side either, unless I am looking in the wrong places. But can see every lesson plan and unit generated by myself and older staff members.
I honestly only picked this up, as it is required for new teachers to submit lesson and unit plans that tie into their scheme of work.

Hi Celliers, if they’ve created new units, perhaps check that the classes are set to Running that unit, otherwise I don’t believe those lessons will show up.

Also, just creating the unit materials won’t necessarily create the lessons, perhaps they started but did not submit the lesson deployment step?

Hi Celliers, if they've created new units, perhaps check that the classes are set to Running that unit, otherwise I don't believe those lessons will show up.

Also, just creating the unit materials won’t necessarily create the lessons, perhaps they started but did not submit the lesson deployment step?

Noted, will double check with them. But even if they only created the lesson plan via the + on the TT, shouldn’t that still show up somewhere?