Hi, We have IGCSE classes at 3 levels and each form group is taught by 6 different teachers for 6 different subjects. I can only assign 3 teachers as tutors to a form group and 3 Educational Assistants tot hat particular form group. The problem is that when anEducational Assistant logs into her teacher’s portan, she is not able to see her dashboard for that particular form group. is there a way around? I am attaching two snap shoots for elaboration.
In the attached picutre,1, I show that Maryam Umar is a ateacher but I had to put her as and Educational Assistants. When she loges in, She is unable to see the form grop on her dashboard. Thanks
OK, so I needed this for all teachers to be able to see the timetable and be able to add lesson plans. I see that in Manage Courses & Classes we can simply edit the enrollment and add that teacher in a particular Roll group.
Hi @hwaeen Yes, sounds like you’re on the right track. Form Groups are meant to be pastoral and advisory groups, sometimes called homerooms, so they don’t need to include every teacher a student sees. When you set up courses and classes with students and teachers, the teachers will be able to see and access their class lists that way.