Installer cannot proceed

I am getting the following message while installation.
The directory containing the Gibbon files is not currently writable, or config.php already exists in the root folder and is not empty or is not writable, so the installer cannot proceed.

I am installing the gibbon on my website hosted on godaddy.

Hi altaf, Gibbon v18.0.01 has some fixes to the installer, which may help here. However, I believe this error is most likely to do with file permissions on your web server. Are you familiar with POSIX file permissions? Are you able to set the permissions through your GoDaddy hosting panel (most likely CPanel, I believe)? You may need to ask GoDaddy for support on this. Cheers, Ross.

Yes I am able to set the permission to various folders. I have set the 777 to the folder installer and folder gibbon

Now I am getting this message
Errors occurred in populating the database; empty your database, remove …/config.php and try again.

Good news. Note that 777 can be dangerous: 775 is considered to be better in general, so make sure to set back after installation is complete.

I would completely remove the database, and the config file, and then try the installer from the beginning.

Good luck!

How to remove the database . There is no database in mysql. Where is the database. Should I make some new database

There is on old database , whose user and password is same as inputted in installer. is that causing the error

Thank You My Installation is complete

I wonder if the old database had the same name as the old database you were trying to create, and this caused the installation to fail? I’m glad you got it sorted!

I created a new database , assigned the same username and password to it, and then inputted that databasename,username and password in installation form. The problem got sorted.