Importing students

Hi, there, very new
We try to import multiple students, using: Admin, System Admin, Import From File.
We’ve downloaded the example from Students Admissions and made sample data.
After a few tries the systems tells the import succeeded and it put a date with Last Import.
When I then look at the students, or users, they are not in the system. What did I do wrong?

kind regards
Erik Mols

Hi erikmols,

Where are you not seeing the imported students? Can you provide a screenshot?



Hi as a new user I may only put one screenshot. It says it succesfully inserted six records. When I look at people/students there’s only the student I put there through the form and not via the file input.
Looked also in the gibbonperson table in the mysql database, there also not there.
Erik Mols

You will see the users you imported under Admin > User Admin > Manage Users.

The next step is to go to Home > Admissions > Student Enrolment > Add to place the students in a Year Group and Form Group.

Hi, no the students are not there.
Only the two i put in manually. The six imported are not visible.
Also looked at the database tables cannot find them there too.

In which table should they be stored?

with kind regards
Erik Mols

i am having the same issues, I imported successfully 22 students in student application form but none shows in the Admin>User Admin > Manage Users. The only accounts are the admin account and a teacher-admin account. How (or where) do I find these records? I placed a unique student ID and student email and even tried to use the student enrollment import but there is just an error that the student email should exist in the gibbonperson table

Hi @phyxe Be sure to note that there is a Dry Run step to the importer where it checks the data first, then click Submit again to do the Live Run of the import, which will complete the import process. Once this is complete, you should see the users in Manage Users. As a note, students won’t show up as active in the system until they have also been enrolled in the current school year, either by importing their Student Enrolment, or by adding it through Admissions > Student Enrolment.

I’m happy to report that I’ve successfully managed to upload the student data. Initially, I mistakenly uploaded the data to the ‘Admissions: Student Application Form’ instead of the ‘User - Data - Basic’ section. However, after spending some time familiarizing myself with the process, I was able to rectify this and correctly upload the data. Your response arrived just after I had figured out and corrected my mistakes. Nonetheless, I appreciate your guidance and support. Thank you so much! :blush:

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Great to hear you got up and running :+1: thanks for sharing your solution, which may help someone with a similar question in the future.

I’m having the same issue.
I was importing the data into Student Application Form.
The form is valid and available. And the students don’t show in any table.

Importing them under User - Data - Basic might work, but it is not the use case I intended.
I wanted to fill in the forms for the students, but I guess that works.