I submitted the homework as a Student when testing gibbon and when I log into as teacher it shows the status of homework as pending.
Where is the homework stored and where can I access it.
Sorry guys it worked. The way i Submitted homework was as a student.
Hi Guys the Part when a student recorded homework when going to the homework page
I choose
Homework - Yes
HomeWork due Date -
Homework due date time -
Homework details -
I enter details and press submit. Shows submitted but teacher cannot view the same.
The only way i can submit homework is via online submission as student.
Hi paschal,
In Gibbon there are two ways to record the fact that homework has been assigned: the teacher can record it for the whole class, or, students can record it for themselves.
Only teacher recorded homework has the ability to submit homework: in which case the student sees, in their view of the lesson plan, a form for submitting their work, which then shows in a table in the teacher view.
Hope this helps!
Hi Ross,
Thanks for the reply. As i understand a teacher can view only the homework a teacher has assigned in the lesson plan and not the student recorded homework. Is that right. Correct me if i missed something.
Gibbons is so vast everyday get to learn something
Hi Paschal,
Yes, it is a big system! And not as well documented as we would like, which does not help.
A teacher cannot see student recorded homework, that is correct. Parents and students are the only ones who see this information.
Hope this helps : )
Thanks for the reply Ross.