Gradebook for MYP

Hi Again,

I would like to know how the MYP Teachers apply their gradebook in Gibbon? How to create the criteria and assess them?

Thank you in advance for your help.


Hello. I actually don’t know any MYP teachers using Gibbon. We are PYP and DP, but not MYP at ICHK (wow that’s a lot of acrpnyms!).

You can create outcomes in the Planner, which might serve as your criteria. You could then tie these outcomes into a rubric in order to assess them in the Markbook. See if that helps.


You can create outcomes in the Planner, which might serve as your criteria. You could then tie these outcomes into a rubric in order to assess them in the Markbook. See if that helps.

Can anyone explain this in details? Sounds like what we need here but at the same time I am very lost.

Hi Gary,

Happy to try and help. The first step would be to go to Learn > Planner > Manage Outcomes, and start creating outcomes. These can be either school-wide, or specific to a learning area/department.

Once these are in place, you can go to Assess > Rubrics, and great a new rubric. Again, this can be school-wide, or specific to a learning area/department.

When creating a rubric, you can tie the outcome into the Rubric, to use as the row header. This then ties assessment to the outcome.

Let us know if you need more info!

