Form Group Name - 40characters, but when editing warns only 20 characters

Dear Admin:

I recently encountered conflict in the number of characters for Form Group Name
During import, it says 40 characters as indicated in the import page

Likewise in the Data Structure of RollGroups, it is 40 characters

But when I edit, it warns only 20 characters

Thank you in advance for any clarification.


Hi Radz,

The importer is reading directly from the table definition to give the maximum character values. In this case, it looks like you may have edited your table to allow 40 characters. Editing the database alone however does not change the forms in Gibbon, which would also need to be edited to allow 40 characters.

I’ve checked and the default database length for that field in Gibbon is indeed 20 characters:

Hi Radz,

The importer is reading directly from the table definition to give the maximum character values. In this case, it looks like you may have edited your table to allow 40 characters. Editing the database alone however does not change the forms in Gibbon, which would also need to be edited to allow 40 characters.

I’ve checked and the default database length for that field in Gibbon is indeed 20 characters:

Thank you @ross :smile:

Is it possible to edit the form from 20 Chars to 40 Chars? And will it not be affected/reverted to original once an updated version is installed?

Advance Thanks :disappointed:

There is a maxLength method on those fields that you could edit. This would be a codebase change, so as you’ve noted it would get overwritten by an upgrade.

There is a way to keep changes if you use Git to track and merge your code. You could fork the Gibbon Core repo on GitHub, then run git init on your local code to setup a local repo and add the fork as a remote repository. There lots of info and tutorials online for setting up repositories. Once you have these setup, anytime there is a new version you can merge it in, and prevent overwriting your modifications. It’s technical to setup, but the best way to safely change the codebase.

Seems a lot!
I will try my best.
Thanks again @ross