Form Builder Text Fields

Greetings, everyone!

I have two problems I’m running into with text fields in form builder. I have a work around for one but would love to find a better solution. Anytime I add text to a form builder page (from the “layout” menu), Gibbon automatically labels it in the database as “text.” That means I always get an error when I try to add multiple text fields because there is a duplicate label on that page. I can update fieldName in the mysql command line to something unique to avoid the error, but it seems it would be better to just give each text box a unique name (or a choice of name) when created.

Related to that issue, I used to use html markup within a text field to share complex information on a form.

In Gibbon 27, though, any markup I enter is erased when I submit the text field. I can no longer format my layout to organize the information.

I know that html markup has security concerns–is there another way to control page layouts, though? I tried making multiple text fields (after submitting mysql updates for each one), but it doesn’t look as clean as before.


Hello again in the light of day (at least here in Montana). The deprecation of html tags is proving much more problematic than I thought last night. I can no longer insert images, tables, or hyperlinks into my forms anywhere, and this was a big part of the forms I had built.

I’m going to try a version downgrade at this point so I can at least prepare current program needs, but I could really use another solution. Thank you!
