Hi, I’m trying to get a custom application form working, but can’t get past this screen before the Gibbons escape:
I’ve examined the error log, and it keeps throwing out a TypeError like this one:
[php7:notice] [pid 22289] [client] Uncaught Exception: TypeError - Argument 1 passed to Gibbon\Forms\Builder\FormPrefill::loadApplicationData() must be an instance of Gibbon\Domain\Admissions\AdmissionsAccountGateway, instance of Gibbon\Domain\Admissions\AdmissionsApplicationGateway given, called in /var/www/html/modules/Admissions/applicationForm.php on line 139 in /var/www/html/src/Forms/Builder/FormPrefill.php on line 59, referrer: TMA - Gibbon - Admissions
Any ideas what I’m missing?