Financial Statements to Summarize Invoices

Hi there

Any chance anyone has built some type of statement feature in order for me to send an email to parents to show transaction activities on their invoices, like a statement or a transaction report?

Hi igloocoza,

I don’t believe a feature or module exists for this already. However, if parents login to Gibbon they will see a live list of all of their invoices, using the View Invoices_myChildren permission in Manage Permissions. This may be why there isn’t a tool for generating statements.

In theory, the Reports module is flexible enough–with a bit of custom code–to be able to do this, because it already has a Send Reports tool for emailing parents, and uses a variety of data sources and templates. Does anyone on your end have PHP or HTML knowledge? If you wanted to try and develop this, we’d be happy to help offer suggestions for how to make something along these lines.