Fee Management : Total Fee collected in current/previous month/year, Student/Class total etc.

Dear admin,
Thank you for this great opportunity and making it open source and free.

I have started usin Gibbon as my college management system, but it is a bit difficult for me to understand it.
I am able to produce , print, and edit and manage invoices, but there are some options which i can’t find.

  1. in paid - partial invoice, invoice total and current paid amount is displayed, while i think it should display all partial payment made with there payment dates, or there should be a way that we can print the whole status of all payments by date made by a student on one page.
  2. is there any way to get total amount received from students in current/previous month/year. and also class total, a sum of the amount paid by all the students this month or so?

please help

Thanx in advance,


  1. emails are not being sent from my gibbon server when issuing or payment invoices. any solution?
  2. how to add family details to a student profile, so that the family can receive invoices and other emails.
  3. How to print or email
    i. Fee Details (Invoice total at the time of admission)
    ii. Payment Log
    iii. and Outstanding balance
    on one page…?

Hi Javed, thanks for your kind words, and yes, the learning curve can be quite steep. For your questions on billing these could be done using SQL to pull out the data, or it is possible (being open source) to customise the code to your liking. At the moment we are not taking on a lot of feature request changes, as we have our hands full recoding the whole system to make it more future proof.

For your further questions, it is better if they each go into a separate thread, otherwise the forum becomes hard to search and use.



Dear Admin,
Thanx for replying, can you share the method, hoe can i use sql reports to download receipt with all transactions.

@javedsahil said:
Dear Admin,
Thanx for replying, can you share the method, how can i use sql reports to download receipt with all transactions, sql code plz?

Hi Javed,

When editing or viewing an invoice there’s a Payment Log table below the Fees where you can see a history of each payment, along with the amount and date. This is particularly helpful for the partial payments.

For exporting data, the best place to start may be to download the Query Builder module from the Extend page: https://gibbonedu.org/extend/ This gives you the ability to write and run an SQL query to export data from Gibbon. There are also several pre-made queries available with a license key, which you can request by emailing support@gibbonedu.org These may not give you every type of export you need, but they’re a great starting point for modifying and adding your own queries.

Hope this helps!