Expired Invoice Links


Having an issue with the invoice links.

What is working: The invoicing process emails the parents (Responsible Party in our install) when an invoice is issued, and they can pay the invoice by click on the link.

The issue: If the Responsible Party waits for an unknown period of time, the link expires, and we get complaints that the system isn’t working.

Question: What is the preset expiration time on the link? Is there a way to extend it?



Hi @DrakonPrime Thanks for your question, my apologies for the delay, it’s been a busy start of the school year.

I’ve had a look at the code in Gibbon when generating and verifying the invoice link, and I’m not seeing that there is an expiration time on the Gibbon side of things. Perhaps it’s related to your payment gateway, can you let me know more about which gateway you are using and what the error looks like that parents are encountering? Thanks