Error occur after creating report and view my report in Gibbon Version v25.0.00

My role are Administrator and Teacher. I created reporting cycle , scope and criteria and my scope is based on form group but I see nothing in My Reporting so I add my self as second tutor in form group and, the below error occurs when I view My Reporting.

seems you’re running Gibbon on windows [xampp] …it is recommended you use a Linux server [guarantees less issues].
meanwhile on this seems to be twig [template engine] compatibility error…

Hi kelvinmw,
When I use Linux server as your advice, no error occurs. Thank you so much.

Thanks everyone. We’ve added a fix for v26 here, which should help systems that don’t have the Intl library installed use a fallback method, which should fix the error you’ve seen on Xampp: System: fix the dateRangeReadable fallback when Intl extension is not… · GibbonEdu/core@4b38dc4 · GitHub

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