Error causing Failed to initialize plugin: table

After upgrading to Gibbon 21, we encountered numerous errors like the following:

“Failed to initialize plugin: table”
“Failed to initialize plugin: paste”
“Failed to initialize plugin: link”
“Failed to initialize plugin: hr”
“Failed to initialize plugin: chapmap”
“Failed to initialize plugin: fullscreen”

This happen in admin as well as on the public site.

Anyone can help to shed some lights on how to fix this? Attached is a sample screenshot.

Hi billngu, these issues are due to browse-side caching of the rich-text editor TinyMCE. If you clear the cache, or force reload the page the issue should be resolved.

We’ve made some changes to v22 to allow the cache to be invalidated from the server side, but for now this needs to be done client side. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.


ok. thank you.