Erro no SQL no modulo seleção de curso

A declarações SQL seguintes causaram erros: INSERT INTO gibbonSetting (scope ,name ,nameDisplay ,description ,value) VALUES (‘Course Selection’, ‘activeSchoolYear’, ‘Course Selection School Year’, ‘Sets the default school year to be pre-selected on various pages.’, (SELECT gibbonSchoolYearID FROM gibbonSchoolYear WHERE status=‘Upcoming’ ORDER BY sequenceNumber ASC LIMIT 1));
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column ‘value’ cannot be null


ME AJUDA A SOLUCIONAR ESTE ERRO, ele esta no modulo seleção de curso…

Hi @espsc_tecnologia It looks like the Course Selection module assumes that you have created an upcoming year (this generally exists by default, and is created on rollover, so it’s common to have one). If you go into School Admin > Manage School Years and be sure to create a school year for next year, set to Upcoming, then this module should work. By default, course selections target the upcoming year, but after installation you can change this in Course Selection Settings. Hope this helps!