Email Server Did Not Respond

Hello @ross I need your help,
When my teachers send emails, this email and notification goes to them.

I’m using SMTP Sendgrid and this happens for only some of my teachers who are new.

Hi Marcus, assuming there is no typo in the email itself, the next step may be to check your PHP logs, as well as the System Admin > View Logs page to see if there’s an indication there of why the emails are failing to send.

This is what its shown.

That is odd, it looks like something in the way your SMTP is configured, as there should only ever be one address set as the From address in the Gibbon code that sends emails. When sending a message through Messenger, you have the option to select the From address if you have the New Message_fromSchool permission. Can you check to see if the user sending the message that failed had/didn’t have this permission, and perhaps switch it on/off, to see if that changes anything. Otherwise, perhaps check your SMTP settings and system settings to see that the sender isn’t being specified or overridden outside of Gibbon.

Hi @ross .
Now, only some of my teachers can send emails.
The others got the same message in their email inbox.

Hello @ross I need your help, When my teachers send emails, this email and notification goes to them.

I’m using SMTP Sendgrid and this happens for only some of my teachers who are new.

Even new teachers that I create in my system can’t send emails though their email accounts are active inside my organization domain.