Different timetable for different parts of the school

Hello everyone!
I am currently on a secret side-quest evaluating Gibbon and I’d appreciate some help with how we might go about timetabling for our school.
We are an all through school, with a Lower School section (EY1 to Grade 5), and Middle/Upper School (Grade 6-12). Both sections have different timetables because of our limited resources. I created two timetables in Timetable Admin > Manage Timetables - one for LS, one for M+US and set yeargroups.
The Lower School has a one-week timetable (Mon-Fri), but M+US uses a two week timetable (so we have Week A Mon-Fri, and Week B Mon-Fri). I’ve added those in as timetable days, and columns for Lower School Mon-Thu(LS) and as Friday is different, a column for Friday(LS). I’ve done the periods for those as well. M+US has Columns for Mon-Thu(M+US) and Fri(M+US) with their period timings, and I’ve made timetable days for Monday A, Monday B etc.

When I do tie days to dates, it looks like I can only set one of the types of days, though. Is this correct, or do I have to do something different?

Many thanks,

Hi Steve, sounds like an excellent choice for a secret side-quest :grin: you seem to be off to a great start delving into the realm of timetabling.

Yes, you can use this tool multiple times to add days as needed. Once you select an option from the drop down, you can submit, and then select your next set of days, and keep bulk-adding the timetable days until they’re all in place for each of your timetables.

Thanks, Sandra.
This is brilliant! :heart_eyes:

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