I admire your commitment to Gibbon! And I am already very excited about the Form Builder.
Thank you very much for that.
Is there any method to clean up orphaned data from the databases?
I deleted 1x test student, teacher, parent and family manually.
Through the dashboard, everything seemed to be clean.
After I checked a db-dump in a simple text editor, I still came across some “deleted” data.
(Sorry I’m not that familiar with phpadmin etc. So I will need your Query Builder module sooner or later :-))
What is the pure, proper method to completely delete a user, student, etc. from the system?
Hi rovanov. Generally, throughout Gibbon, when a record is deleted it will delete any attached records to help prevent orphaned entries as you’ve noticed. However, the user records in the gibbonPerson table are the most interconnected in the system, and by default it does not delete attached data, as this could cause unwanted loss of data. Aside from test cases you’ve described, there’s very little reason to delete a user in Gibbon in a live server, as even once a student has left, it’s best to retain their school data. Deleting a user in a live server would likely cause more harm than good, which is one reason the user deletion permission is separated off from the Manage Users default permission and should only be used in rare cases.
Hi Gibbon family. You guys are doing an exceptional job. We are planning on rolling out Gibbon for the next academic year and of such I have been task with its setup. I was trying to search the forum for some help in cleaning up the database. I have an issue where after deleting a student grade that was accidentally place in a class it still shows up on the report card. I also realize I have a number of orphan record in the database. How do I clear or delete the orphan record.
I personally think that those data might not necessarily need to be deleted, as they don’t take up much system resources. It would be better to retain as complete a record as possible, unless you fully understand the purpose of this data table.
thank you for your prompt response. However the data is displaying on the report card even though the student was removed from the class and should not have been in the class in the first place. The question then should be how to remove that course from the report card?
I tried the situation you described. I created a transcript for a course and filled in “Att” and “Com” for everyone. Then, I tried marking a student as “Left” or directly deleting their course enrollment.
After refreshing the transcript, I found that both students’ information disappeared. However, after re-enrolling them in the course, all the transcript content was correctly retained.
I have remove the student from the course but the data still remain. The data is not being shown in the gibbon internal assessment or mar book module but still visible on the report card.
I figured out what the problem was. It’s in my custom built template. I wasnt checking if the student is active. I will recode that part of the template.