This is interesting. In your new database, in cPanel, can you see the table gibbonSchoolYear? If so, does it have any rows? If so, is one of them marked with the status “Current”?
It sounds like the answer to at least one of these questions must be “No” in your case, where as they all should be “Yes” to have a working install.
This is very odd. I am guessing you have some different mysql mode options selected on the cpanel server compared to your localhost. Are there any useful error messages in your mysql log?
I have checked the mode . I also changed gibbonSetting table for system address and absolute url. I am attaching the database. You are requested to please look into it and help me.
database address
[ Removed for privacy ]
Best Regards,
I’ve removed the dropbox link because it appeared to contain private data. I’ll take a look at the file. After moving databases, did you update the Base URL/Base Path in the gibbonSettings table based on the new server location? A new server likely has a different path structure (eg: /var/www/ vs. something else on localhost)
Otherwise, if a database works well in one install and not in the other it’s often a setting in the server setup rather than the database.
Warning: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table ‘ilearnw1_gibb541.gibbonSetting’ doesn’t exist in /home/ilearnw1/public_html/src/Database/Connection.php on line 191
SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table ‘ilearnw1_gibb541.gibbonTheme’ doesn’t exist
Ah, that sheds some light on the issue. I’ve taken a quick look at your exported file, and all the table names have been changed to lower case. In the database file you shared gibbonSetting is exported as <code class="CodeInline">gibbonsetting. This is the same for every table. Is there a way to try your export again that doesn’t change the case of these tables? Otherwise, the collation in your database tables should be utf8_general_ci` (the ci standing for case-insensitive). However, it’s not ideal to have all your tables in a different case than the Gibbon core. Are you using the same database software/version on your localhost as your server?
My webserver information
Server Information
Item Detail
Hosting Package fh_Free
Server Name cpanel
cPanel Version 70.0 (build 18)
Apache Version 2.4.34
PHP Version 7.0.27
MySQL Version 5.6.37
Architecture x86_64
Operating System linux
Shared IP Address
Path to Sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail
Path to Perl /usr/bin/perl
Perl Version 5.16.3
Kernel Version 4.17.10-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64
Database server
Server: via TCP/IP
Server type: MariaDB
Server connection: SSL is not being used Documentation
Server version: 10.1.36-MariaDB - binary distribution
Protocol version: 10
User: root@localhost
Server charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)
Web server
Apache/2.4.34 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.1.0i PHP/7.2.10
Database client version: libmysql - mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 38fea24f2847fa7519001be390c98ae0acafe387 $
PHP extension: mysqliDocumentation curlDocumentation mbstringDocumentation
PHP version: 7.2.10
Version information: 4.8.3 (up to date)
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Hmm, perhaps this is something related to using MariaDB on your localhost and MySQL on your server. The tables shouldn’t be all lowercase… Can you check to see what the collation is on the tables on your webserver? If you have phpMyAdmin on your webserver too you can see it in the structure tab for the database:
I suspect it worked locally because you’ve mentioned your local collation is ‘utf8-general-ci’. Ensuring the webserver tables match the same collation might help. If all else fails, you may need to find-replace the table names to the proper case in the .sql file before uploading it to your webserver.
It appears Windows systems set lower_case_table_names` to 1 by default, and Unix-based systems set it to 0. Based on the documentation above, try changing this value to 2 on your localhost (& restarting it). Here’s a link that has some instructions:
After you’ve changed your lower_case_table_names setting, the tables likely need updated on your localhost. I’ve attached an SQL snippet that when run should fix the case of your table names (for all the core tables, you will want to check & rename any tables from other modules).
After that, export from your localhost and check the SQL file. You should see the correct case for table names. From there you should be good to upload it to your webserver.