Cumulative Grade with Decimal values, but no decimals when exported to Excel

Good day everyone!

Our Grading System follows 4 Terms or 4 Grading period with same grading components every Term.
Another important value is the decimal points. Following this answer from a previous forum post, I was able to modify the PhP line and now the decimal points appeared.

My first question is, when entering a score of 9, with a 90% grade equivalent, only the grade appears in the markbook column.
So what I did, I made a Weightings for Score with 0% value (eg Quiz Score), and a Grade with corresponding weight (eg Quiz 20%)

But, it appears double work as we input the same value of 9 into the quiz score, then, input again the value of 9 into the Quiz grade.
It could have been great if following this Assessment configuration, both the mark and the grade appears in the Markbook display.

My next concern is the following:
When I filter Term: 1st Grading, a computed/weighted value appears to the left of Cumulative.
As you will notice, every grading period displays a different Grade value depending on the performance of the students on that particular Grading period.
Unfortunately, when displaying “All Terms”- meaning All Grading period from 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th, only cumulative value is displayed.

Lastly, when exported to excel, all those Term Grades (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Grading) values did not appear. The overall Graces cumulative is also rounded and the Decimal point value is ignored. You will also notice that the “Com” appears in every column when I disabled them in the first place when I created the Assessment configuration.

Thank you very much in advance.

Radz Jacer
Pateros Catholic School, Manila, Philippines

This is how i modified the code to make the two decimal places value appear.

@ross do you have anything to add here, as the builder of this bit of Gibbon? : )

Dear Admin,
Any update as to how Markbook data exported to excel with 2 decimal places retained, same as when displaced on screen.

Dear Admin:

I am very grateful for the prompt response to my concern on Boys and Girls sort by Roll Order, as well as the summary of collections for the day.
As per the above, I would like to follow-up on the above export to excel with decimal values retained.

Again, thank you in advance for all the help you have shared.

Rady Jacer

Hi Rady,

This change has been applied to the markbook for v19. You can copy the following changes into your current install and they should be backwards-compatible:



Another priceless support from sandra :smiley:
A million thanks to you all Admin.
