Changed Host

Hello People.
While i was on holiday one of my staff changed to the new adress for .pl to .eu and now i cannot access gibbon. I think he did not update the details first on the gibbon before changing.
now it says
Oh no!
Something has gone wrong: the Gibbons have escaped!

An error has occurred. This could mean a number of different things, but generally indicates that you have a misspelt address, or are trying to access a page that you are not permitted to access. If you cannot solve this problem by retyping the address, or through other means, please contact your system administrator.

Can some one help me out

I believe you can still access your mysql database, right?

If so, you need to adjust the ‘value’ of the field with ‘name’ ‘absoluteURL’ in table ‘gibbonSetting’.


Thanks but that didnt work… still get the same error

All good, just had to change the password on the config file.

Thanks for your help