CDN/External image hosting

Hello Admins,

Does Gibbon support the use of CDN or the external hosting of images?
How about Redis DB cache, or similar?



Hi achief, it does not. Gibbon doesn’t tend to be image heavy, the largest part of page load times will be the size of queries rather than media. I think, for many schools, having their private data on their own server rather than an external server is preferable as well.

Hi achief, it does not. Gibbon doesn't tend to be image heavy, the largest part of page load times will be the size of queries rather than media.

Hi Sandra. I was looking at this from a worse case scenario where the school imports images for all staff and students, to get the load off the server a bit. However, I understand your response, as the site would only be accessed by no more than the sum of staff, students, and parents. I am satisfied with this response. Your response times are amazing too.