Catch-all Attendance Query

Can I have a query added that shows:
School Days Present Between Two Dates by Student and the Percentage (Present)
With columns included for Present, Absent, Late, Left Early

I know this query will be similar to and would be combining (some aspects of) these existing queries:

Class Attendance as Percentage
Lateness Count in Last Week by Student
School Days Present Between Two Dates by Student


Hi Tieku, unfortunately we’ve got our hands full at the moment, and so won’t be able to do this via the forums. If you want to email we can offer a quotation for this custom query, as well as an estimate of how long it might take to build. Cheers! Ross.

Hi Ross. I was able to tweak the original query to produce the result I was looking for. Thanks

Perfect, that is great to hear : )

@tiekubd would you mind sharing your tweak?


This is what I have:

gibbonPerson.gibbonPersonID AS ID,
CONCAT(gibbonPerson.firstName," ", gibbonPerson.surname) AS Name,
gibbonFormGroup.nameShort AS formGroup,
(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT date) AS count FROM gibbonAttendanceLogPerson WHERE gibbonPersonID=ID AND direction=‘In’ AND (type=‘Present’ OR type=‘Present - Late’ OR type=‘Present - Online’) AND date>=:dateStart AND date<=:dateEnd GROUP BY gibbonPersonID ORDER BY gibbonPersonID) AS presentCount,
(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT date) AS count FROM gibbonAttendanceLogPerson WHERE gibbonPersonID=ID AND direction=‘In’ AND (type=‘Present - Late’) AND date>=:dateStart AND date<=:dateEnd GROUP BY gibbonPersonID ORDER BY gibbonPersonID) AS LateCount
FROM gibbonPerson
JOIN gibbonStudentEnrolment ON (gibbonStudentEnrolment.gibbonPersonID=gibbonPerson.gibbonPersonID)
JOIN gibbonFormGroup ON (gibbonStudentEnrolment.gibbonFormGroupID=gibbonFormGroup.gibbonFormGroupID)
AND gibbonStudentEnrolment.gibbonSchoolYearID=:schoolYear
surname, preferredName ;
You have to create 3 variables:
School Year

Start Date

End Date

And please note I do not calculate the percentages in the query. I do that after the export in a spreadsheet.
I will see whether I can incorporate that as well.

Hope this helps


Super, thanks Tieku. appreciate it.