Cannot login in chrome browser

Hi, one of our schools found a case where they cannot login when using google chrome.

I’m using gibbon 24.0.0 now.

so, when I try to login using google chrome, there is no notification whether our detail is wrong whatsoever. if the login is right or wrong.

also strangely, when I’m using Firefox, it works!

My school use http and not https. is http could be the cause?


Does your application is public on the Internet?

If the answer is yes, can you post the url?

Do you have any error when you press F12 in Chrome?


hello smarcil! thanks for the reply.

yes my app is in public here :

there is no error in my f12 console

also, if I enter the correct login detail, the url change to index.php, but the page is still the same.

any clue ?

Hi @mikaeldiok

I tried to login with your URL with invalid user and I get the message “Incorrect username and password.”.


I’m using Windows 10 and the latest version of Chrome.

In your first message, you indicated that you did not get a message when entering an invalid user.

Can you tell me the operating system and version of Chrome you are using?



Another thing to check is if there are any extensions installed in Chrome that might be interfering with the page rendering. In my school, some students occasionally come to me saying they can’t login or cant click the menu in Gibbon, and it turns out they have a cursor extension or a game overlay that is intercepting the page rendering :grimacing: