I installed Gibbon on Ubuntu today but was unable to open System Admin. Someone else mentioned the same issue and that the error was related to checkUploadsFolderStatus
I found the systemOverview.php
under /gibbon/modules/System Admin/
and commented out the offending check.
// Uploads folder check, make a request using a Guzzle HTTP get request
$statusCheck = checkUploadsFolderStatus($session->get('absoluteURL'));
if (!$statusCheck) {
$uploadsCheck = Format::alert(__('The system check has detected that your uploa
ds folder may be publicly accessible. This suggests a serious issue in your server config
uration that should be addressed immediately. Please visit our {documentation} page for i
nstructions to fix this issue.', [
'documentation' => Format::link('https://docs.gibbonedu.org/administrators/
getting-started/installing-gibbon/#post-install-server-config', __('Post-Install and Serv
er Config')),
]), 'error');
After doing that, the page loded correctly.
Edit: It is because my server is behind Cloudflare. GitHub - matancohen365/cloudflare-middleware: Bypass Cloudflare (Middleware For Guzzle)