Billing the student?

Hello everyone, The new update V19 is great, thank you all!
I’m just asking a question as in our school we have adult students as well as young students. But with the invoice system, I can only charge the family or a company. So far my workaround is to create a new user with the same information as the student who wishes to be billed and add them as a parent to the student. (does this make sense?) As you can imagine this is a little extra work and can be a little messy when we are looking for a student and two come back with the same name.
Also when an adult student comes to register, they are often confused with the questions on the application form asking about their mum and dad.

Am I just missing something completely?

Any advice, please


Interesting scenario and congrats for this workaround!

Anyway, your workaround seems a little too far reached. I think I would be somehow ok just leaving the invoiceTo field empty and maybe adding some info via Invoice Text, Invoice Notes, Receipt Text, Receipt Notes.

You can also consider using “String Replacement” and introduce a string that fits better in your use case instead of family.

Hi Brian,

I believe that a student can be both an adult and child within the same family. So, you might be able to save on the dummy user, and simplify your hack.

Let us know how it goes!


Thank you for your feedback Ross and Meierrom, However, the system doesn’t allow me to add the same user as the parent

Anyway, your workaround seems a little too far reached. I think I would be somehow ok just leaving the invoiceTo field empty .

As for not setting the billing to family or company, The system is already populated, so not selecting nothing is not an option. :cry:
So, I’m still staying with my workaround for now.

But thank you for the information. any more suggestions welcome. :slight_smile:

You could try the following very dirty hack:

File: modules/User Admin/family_manage_edit_addAdultProcess.php

Line 67
//if ($resultCheck->rowCount() > 0) {
if (1==2) {

At you own risk tho. :slight_smile: